Travel Updates
Red Line services operating normally
Green Line services operating normally

Buail le Bainisteoir an Luas: Déardaoin 20 Feabhra
Déardaoin 20 Feabhra 2025 ó 16:00 go 17:30, beidh baill foirne ó Bhonneagar Iompair Éireann (BIÉ) agus Transdev Dublin Light Rail Ltd., oibreoir Luas, ar Líne Dearga an Luas chun a fháil amach cad a cheapann tú faoin Luas.

Meet the Luas Manager: Thursday 20 February 2025
On Thursday 20 February 2025 from 16:00 to 17:30, staff from Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) and Transdev Dublin Light Rail Ltd., operator of Luas, will be on the Luas Red Line to hear what you think about Luas.

Valentine’s Day Competition: With Love from Luas!
To celebrate Valentine’s Day which falls on Friday 14 February, Luas is giving away ten €20 topped up Leap Cards that are waiting for you and your Loved One!

Is breá linn é nuair…
Is breá linn é nuair a bhíonn tú linn ar thurais Luas, go háirithe nuair a thógann tú do dhea bhéasa agus bá le daoine eile leat ar an turas. Nuair a bhíonn tú ag taisteal linn, bíonn sé cosúil le bheith mar chuid de phobal ina mbaineann tábhacht le compord gach duine. Seo roinnt treoirlínte simplí a mholaimid dár bpaisinéirí go léir a leanúint, rud a dhéanann turais Luas taitneamhach do chách.

We love it when you…
We love it when you travel with us on Luas journeys, especially when you bring your kindness and respect for others along. Travelling with us feels like being part of a community where everyone's comfort is important.