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Safe Driving Around Luas

Driving Safely Around Luas

It’s very important that motorists know how to safely share the roads with Luas trams. If they don’t they could be prosecuted and they could seriously injure or kill themselves and others. When driving across Luas lines at Junctions, beside Luas Tram Lanes on the road or in Luas Shared Tramways we want motorists to drive safely. Below we have outlined safety information for motorists for the 3 types of Luas track areas; each of which has its own rules and safety tips.


Luas Red Light Camera System

Ireland’s first automated Red Light Camera System located at the junction of Blackhall Place and the Luas Red Line / Benburb Street.

It is a driving offence to break red lights at any junction and this system captures images of motorists breaking red lights, their licence plate numbers and other data allowing An Garda Siochana to pursue offenders under the Road Traffic Acts. Breaking red lights carries 3 penalty points and a fine of up to €120 on payment of the fixed charge. On court conviction the number of penalty points awarded increases to 5.

Sample Images from the Luas Red Light Camera System

This Red Light Camera System and other initiatives are part of ongoing #LuasSafety efforts to prevent Luas-Vehicle collisions. To prevent collisions it’s very important that motorists know how to safely share the road with Luas trams. Read on to find out more.


Luas Track Areas

The 3 types of Luas track areas are;

  • Tram Lanes
  • Junctions
  • Shared Tramways

Tram Lanes

There are over 37km of Luas tram lines in Dublin. Tram Lanes make up 91% of the Luas tracks.

Road vehicles are not allowed in Tram Lanes; Tram Lanes are dedicated areas for trams only.

All Tram Lanes are clearly identified by warning signs at the start of the segregated sections.

In general, Tram Lanes can be identified by any of the following;

  • No access except tram signage
  • The Tram Lanes being delineated by a continuous white line.

It is a contravention of the Irish road traffic legislation to drive in Tram Lanes and you could be prosecuted. Irish road traffic legislation can be accessed at the website of the Office of the Attorney General of Ireland which contains a searchable database. Irish road traffic legislation is also summarised on the Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport’s website Department.


There are over 37km of Luas tram lines in Dublin. Together Junctions and Shared Tramways make up 9% of the Luas tracks.

The Luas tracks and trams cross many road junctions used by motorists. In all there are 62 Junctions controlled by Traffic Lights on the Luas lines; 48 on the Luas Red Line and 14 on the Luas Green Line. There are also lots of other junctions with Stop Signs.

Motorists should adhere to the following safety guidelines for crossing the Luas tracks at junctions;

  • Always cross directly across the junction.
  • Always adhere to all the rules of the road
  • Always obey all traffic signals
  • Always obey all traffic signs
  • Always look left and right before proceeding
  • Always listen for horns and warning bells from approaching trams
  • Always prepare to cross well in advance and take your time
  • Always allow space for traffic in front of your vehicle to clear the tramway and / or yellow junction box
  • Always be extra alert in wet and icy weather and give yourself space to break before the tramway and/ or yellow junction box
  • Never allow anything to distract you while driving

A lot of the Luas Green Line reuses an old Railway line so trams on the Luas Green Line do not share as many roads and junctions with vehicles as trams on the Red Line. 5.5km of the Luas Red Line runs through busy city centre streets; there are 16 Junctions controlled by Traffic Lights between Heuston and Connolly stops.

Shared Tramways

There are over 37km of Luas tram lines in Dublin.Together Junctions and Shared Tramways make up 9% of the Luas tracks.

In a limited number of locations Luas tracks are located in Shared Tramways which are used by trams, vehicles and cyclists. The easiest way to identify Shared Tramways is checking traffic signage and road markings. As a rule of thumb if you are not 100% sure you can drive there then don’t.

Motorists should to adhere to the following safety guidelines for driving in Shared Tramways;

  • Always adhere to all the rules of the road
  • Always obey all traffic signals
  • Always obey all traffic signs
  • Always look left and right before proceeding
  • Always listen for horns and warning bells from approaching trams
  • Always be extra alert in wet and icy weather and give yourself space to break
  • Never allow anything to distract you while driving.
  • Never tailgate a tram

More Information

If you have any questions please contact TFI Customer Service on LoCall 0818 294 015 or by email [email protected].