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Safe Walking Around Luas

Everyday thousands of pedestrians and hundreds of Luas trams use busy Dublin Streets. Some pedestrians take risks, they don’t wait for a walk signal or they dash across the tracks without looking. Pedestrians need to Look and Listen for Luas. #LuasSafety

Crossing Luas Tracks

Pedestrians should adhere to the following safety guidelines when crossing Luas tracks:

  • Always cross the tracks using a pedestrian crossing
  • Always look left and right before proceeding
  • Always adhere to all the rules of the road
  • Always listen for horns and warning bells from approaching trams  headphones, earphones and mobile phones may distract you
  • Always prepare to cross well in advance and take your time
  • Tram tracks are slippery in wet and icy weather. Be alert.

At a Luas Stop

Pedestrians remember the following when you’re at a Luas Stop:

  • Keep clear of the platform edge as the tram arrives and departs. A wide White Line runs along the edge of the platform to highlight the edge. For safety, pedestrians are asked not to cross this line until the tram has stopped at the platform
  • Let passengers get off the tram first before you try to get on
  • Never go beyond the No Access Signs.

Luas Pedestrian Signage

Pedestrians need to look out for certain signs and pavement markings when walking around Luas.

Sign Type Sign Meaning
Look Both Ways Sign
Pedestrians need to Look Both Ways before crossing Luas tracks.
No Access Sign
Pedestrians are not allowed go beyond the No Access sign.
Platform White Line
A wide White Line runs along the edge of the platform to highlight the edge.
Coloured Paving
Coloured paving indicates an uncontrolled pedestrian crossing across the tramway.
Lozenge Paving
Lozenge shaped paving is located 550mm from the edge of the platform and runs parallel to and along the full length of the platform. This informs passengers they are approaching the platform edge.
Corduroy Paving
Corduroy paving is used to warn pedestrians that they are approaching a hazard and should proceed with caution. It is used to identify the presence of specific hazards including steps, where a path or pavement joins a shared route (shared cycle and footpath) and at the bottom of ramped approaches to Luas platforms.
Blister Paving
Tactile paving with a blister surface is used to warn pedestrians where a pavement ends and a carriageway begins, in locations where there is no kerb.

More Information

If you have any questions please contact TFI Customer Service by LoCall 0818 294 015 or by email [email protected]