Safe Cycling Around Luas
Luas shares space with cyclists, pedestrians and motorists throughout the Luas network. There are many safety measures in place to protect cyclists, pedestrians and motorists as well as Luas trams, drivers and passengers. Also Luas drivers are well trained to ensure the safety of cyclists, pedestrians and motorists as much as possible.
Read on below for key information on how cyclists can stay safe when sharing space with Luas trams.
When cycling around Luas the Luas tracks can be split into 3 different areas each with its own rules and safety tips. These are:
- Tram Lanes
- Junctions
- Shared Tramways

Tram Lanes
Cycling is not allowed in Tram Lanes; Tram Lanes are dedicated areas for trams only.
Tram Lanes make up the vast majority of the Luas tracks and are designed for trams and not for cyclists. Tram Lane surfaces, track grooves, tram junction signalling, and tram traffic pose a risk to cyclist's safety. All Tram Lanes are clearly identified by warning signs, shown above, which are located at the start of the segregated sections.
In general, Tram Lanes can be identified by any of the following:
- A warning sign, shown above, located at the start of the segregated sections.
- The Tram Lane being raised above the level of the adjacent road way.
- A cobble set surface along the Tram Lane.
- The Tram Lanes being delineated by a continuous, do not cross, white line.

It is a contravention of the Irish road traffic legislation to cycle in Tram Lanes. Irish road traffic legislation can be accessed at the website of the Office of the Attorney General of Ireland which contains a searchable database.
The Luas tracks and trams cross many road junctions used by cyclists and drivers, especially in the city centre.
Cyclists may cross the tracks at junctions with other road traffic, but cyclists must not cycle along the track through junctions in Tram Lanes. For cycling along the tracks in Shared Tramways including Junctions, see Shared Tramways information and safety advice below.
Cyclists should adhere to the following safety guidelines for crossing the Luas tracks at road and cycle path junctions:
- Always cross directly across the junction with your wheels at a right angle to the tracks
- Always use a cycle lane where provided
- Always adhere to all the rules of the road
- Always obey all traffic signalling i.e. cycle when green, stop when red and use extra caution when orange
- Always obey all traffic signs i.e. stop or yield to traffic and trams
- Always look left and right before proceeding through any junction
- Always listen for horns and warning bells from approaching trams
- Don't wear headphones which hamper your ability to hear trams or horns
- Always prepare to cross well in advance and take your time
- Always be extra alert in wet and icy weather as the tram tracks can be extra slippery
- Never cycle with while on the phone
- Always wear personal protection and high visibility clothing
- If necessary for your safety, dismount and cross the tracks on foot.

Shared Tramways
In a limited number of locations, Luas tracks are located in Shared Tramways which are used by trams, vehicles and cyclists.
The easiest way to identify Shared Tramways is watching vehicles; as a rule of thumb if cars and buses are allowed to drive on the tracks, cyclists are allowed too.
Cyclists should adhere to the following safety guidelines for cycling in Shared Tramways:
- Always cycle between the tracks and ensure your bike wheels stay away from the grooves in the tracks
- Always cross directly across the junction with your wheels at a right angle to the tracks
- Always use a cycle lane where provided
- Always adhere to all the rules of the road
- Always obey all traffic signalling i.e. cycle when green, stop when red and use extra caution when orange
- Always obey all traffic signs i.e. stop or yield to traffic and trams
- Always look around in all directions you before proceeding
- Always listen carefully for horns and warning bells from approaching trams
- Never wear headphones which hamper your ability to hear trams or horns
- Always prepare to cross tracks well in advance and take your time ensuring you are crossing tracks as close to a right angle as possible
- Never cycle with while on the phone
- Always be extra alert in wet and icy weather as the tram tracks can be extra slippery
- Always wear personal protection and high visibility clothing
- Never tailgate a tram as they may suddenly stop in case of emergency
- Never overtake a moving tram as they are 40 metres or longer and moving and it is likely another tram will be coming in the other direction
- If necessary for your safety dismount, and walk along or cross the tracks on foot.
Other Luas Safety Messages
Do you sometimes drive or walk around Luas too? If you do please check out information about Driving Safety Around Luas here and Walking Safety Around Luas here.
Cycling & Luas
For other information about Cycling & Luas, see our Cycle & Ride page here.